Charlie Richards Joins MAP!
feeder fishing

Charlie Richards Joins MAP!

We’re excited to reveal a new addition to the MAP consultancy team in the form of Irish international, Charlie Richards!
NEW! Embed Method Feeders & Moulds
feeder fishing

NEW! Embed Method Feeders & Moulds

Following the success of the original Embed Feeder, our family of interchangeable feeders has grown with the introduction of the Embed Method Feeder.
Michael Buchwalder - WORLD CHAMPION!
feeder fishing

Michael Buchwalder - WORLD CHAMPION!

MAP Consultant Michael Buchwalder has become the Feeder World Champion both individually and with Team Ireland!
NEW! MAP Extremis Rods
feeder fishing

NEW! MAP Extremis Rods

The NEW Extremis rod range is coming! If it's commercial venues or long range fishing we've got it covered!
NEW! Parabolix Black Edition Pro!
feeder fishing

NEW! Parabolix Black Edition Pro!

The NEW Parabolix Black Edition Pro rod range is finally here!
MAP Spring Product Launch!

MAP Spring Product Launch!

Find out more about the exciting NEW products from MAP launching this spring!